Money Talks Weekly

Money Talks – Why Mutual Funds ?

Hi All,

Money Talks Weekly # 7

This is my weekly learnings to our email subscribers, same will be shared in our website and linked in. Please do share if you think it would benefit to your dear ones.

People often ask me, what is the best investment option available ? I speak about Mutual Funds or SIP ( Systematic Investment Plan) to them ! especially, if they are new to investments. Few of them asked me back, why Mutual Funds ? Why SIP ?

Or there are people already investing in Mutual Fund. They want variety ! But in reality, they are not investing as per their real financial capability. People want to try something different and new. There are people looking for stocks, international investing, currency, Commodity and things that they are not familiar. People don’t bother to know, where are they investing or how is the regulator ? whom they can escalate if there is any issue?

That is where, Mutual Fund comes in handy. It is the most simple and regulated product in India. It have variety, all Mutual funds are not same. If you need variety, you have all in Mutual Fund in an appropriate regulated way.

To know the definition of Mutual Fund and SIP, there are many content in Money Talks

please watch – Click Here>>

We get below benefits from Mutual Funds:

  • Most regulated and less expensive
  • An expert (Fund Manager)managing your money
  • Plenty options to invest and Choose investments as per your need

SIP benefits :

  • Discipline and Automated investing
  • Best to earn compound interest
  • Able to buy at average price, not worry of market fluctuation

So first, build your investments with mutual fund and focus on your work, earn income. Once we build a good money or wealth with disciplined investment, we can think about other investments.

There are options, like direct stocks, PMS (Portfolio Management Service), AIF, list goes on…

Before looking for other options, in Mutual fund itself has many variety. Let’s use that first !

Happy Saving and investing !

Money Talks Weekly

Money Talks – Happy Father’s Day !

Hi All,

Money Talks Weekly # 6

This is my weekly learnings to our email subscribers, same will be shared in our website and linked in. Please do share if you think it benefits your dear ones.

This Sunday, we celebrated father’s day ! Being a father is proud and great responsibility. My daughter wanted to go abroad and study on acting. She is 12, not interested in any studies here. I am very clear, I can’t  fund her education to expensive colleges without scholarship. Even with scholarship it is heavy money. My reason for this dialogue is to make her senior about her aspiration plus I like her to be in India or with me till her career starts.

I have planned for her education and doing SIP (hope you know, what is SIP ? if not please watch – Click Here>> This will help her studies if it goes in a normal way. My daughter’s view is that she may get scholarship but now don’t remind her on that, instead just support her. Money matter will happen at the right time.

Ok, I felt – She is correct. Whatever it is, I understood now that SIP amount is not enough !

As individuals we have responsibilities and dreams. It is good to seriously identify that numbers correctly. As a father, as a spouse, as a child – we have responsibilities and same we have our own retirement and dreams. Who will fulfill it ? If we plan, it can happen easily else it will happen with luck.

Do you want to realize your dreams and responsibility with luck or as planned ?

I am sure, you want to make it with plan !

List down, your responsibilities and dreams, When do you want ? How much will be that on that date ? Can you start investing for that date and for that amount ?

Let’s make it happen !

Money Talks Weekly

Money Talks – What was your first salary ?

Hi All,

Money Talks Weekly # 5

This is my weekly learnings to our email subscribers, same will be shared in our website and linked in. Please do share if you think it benefits your dear ones.

What was your first salary per month ?

What is your current salary per month ?

This will help you understand, how many times you could multiple your salary ! If you had received 15,000 per month salary and now if you are earning 1,50,000 per month salary, which means you are earning 10 times of your first salary. But please check, how long it took to reach this current level of salary ? are you receiving of a 15 % per annum rise ? if yes, brilliant ! if not, you have to increase your productivity or change a job to match up a better salary.

But the question is not this, how much are you saving now ? when you have joined career, current salary must be your dream or beyond your dream. But are you able to save a decent figure now ? if not, whom you can to blame ? inflation, family responsibility ?

I think, better to own up this responsibility and look for ways to save more.

Look for a clear review and see, where all you can reduce your spending ? and is there any way you could increase your income ? could be part time job ? changing your investments or assets to earn income better.

Look for a financial planning session in your family meeting or check out a financial planning session with an expert !

You may be running a peaceful money life without thinking much, it is good time to pause and reflect.

Happy earning, happy savings !

Money Talks Weekly

Money Talks – Money is a family business !

Hi All,

Money Talks Weekly # 4

This is my weekly learnings to our email subscribers, same will be shared in our website and linked in. Please do share if you think it benefits your dear ones.

I had a friend, never discussed his salary with his wife. They were brilliant couple, but initial days of his marriage he believed that money matters should be dealt by man in the house.  I didn’t have an opinion on this early part of my life.

But, I had a culture development in me from my parents. They were very collaborative around money, we had a life with only my mother’s income for a period due to my father’s business loss and debt. May be all this struggle made them to manage money together. I have seen, how they struggled and come back to normal money life.

This experience gave me a belief of sharing money information with family members is important.

It is important to being transparent around money within family. A matured family member can understand what is the real affordability of their family. So what can we do to bring every family members together in money matters.

At least, once in 3 months, have a dinner table meeting on a weekend about all aspects of family including money, vacations and all possible things everyone in the family want to achieve in their life.  This meeting should have equal voice for everyone. It is good to have transparency around budget of the family and why is that budget ? This will help, all members to contribute towards stick on to family budget. In case any additional expenses or plans, all members can work as team. It could be to increase income or decrease expenses. For Example –  If your family want to go for vacation, you can plan the budget and work to save up that money either ways, savings from income or reduce some expense and save up. This kind of regular meet up in the family will help to plan and execute many aspirations of family members.

There are cases where breadwinner in the family hold entire responsibility of money and wont inform his or her struggle with family. This is one of the reasons for accumulating debt in the family. But if this is transparent, family members can cut down expense or come up with ideas to make the situation better.

So action for now is – Create a monthly meet up in your family to discuss about family dreams and money matters !

Have a happy life a head.

Money Talks Weekly

Money Talks – Importance of Spending in our life !

Hi All,

Money Talks Weekly # 3

This is my weekly write up trying to write down my learning to all our email group and linked in.

We always speak about importance of savings, Spend less than you earn is a common advice always get. It is the basic of money life !

But there are spending in our life, definitely we cannot avoid. Our needs like food, shelter can’t be avoided. These days, mobile bill and shopping also part of basic need ????

I have seen people who earn significant amount of money and lead a very low budget life. They sacrifice many things life. They think, lead a moderate lifestyle is a sin. Their family never had this kind of lifestyle. Always has this, ‘My father was a low grade worker or daily wager’. He struggle to bring food to the table and created debt to send me to school.

Yes, if you think this carefully, that daily wager had a vision to send his/ her child for education with debt ! his parents were poor but they had a progressive mind set. As their child, you should not forget their root but they have to move this thinking to higher level and lead a good quality lifestyle.

This doesn’t mean over spending. This means, improving a quality of life, add value to entire family and society. Lead a good family life, stay in good home, involve in good cause in society and better education their children and so on.

Some spending always is an investment. If you are working couple, having a maid to help save time. Going for much needed family vacation is an investment for our family bound, eating good quality food is an investment for your health, buying book is an investment if you are reading, list goes on.

Spending is needed, over spending harmful. Spend for experience and value addition in life, that will boost your life. Saving too much with sacrificing all enjoyment in life is harmful. Learn to build a balance in Spending, that will help us build a happy life.

Before Spending or cutting down spending, ask yourself – What value addition is it going to bring ? If I spend this, am I going to use it for any use ? if you have a positive answer, If spend it with joy !

Hope, this will help you spend your money happily and lead a prosperous life a head !

Money Talks Weekly

Money Talks – Focus on Income before investment return

Hi All????,

Major source of our confidence✊ on money comes from our own primary income????, Salary ! Even businessman / self-employed person should fix a Salary for themselves. If it is confusing we will speak later, how to do it !

I spoke to many people on their Debt or problem with money????. They ask for a side income or Income from stock market opportunity. I had a discussion with one of my clients about 3 years back. He is from a small town in Kerala, working in a small IT firm. Small salary, had family responsibility, had a relationship with his love of his life. Wanted to marry her and scared about his expenses. With his current salary, it was impossible for him to lead a life he wanted to live.

We spoke about his income, expenses and financial goals or requirements in his life. So, he asked a solution????. We spoke about the opportunity to improve his salary. He was afraid to get a rise from existing job with existing skill set. We have suggested each other, why don’t he try courses to improve skill????‍???? and change location to Kochi. Plus he said, he wanted to start an investment monthly 2000 Rupees. He was not sure about 2000 Saving per month but he said, I want to make it happen this somehow.

He has continue interaction with my team members in office and few months back, He has visited again and met me. He wanted to increase his monthly investment to 50,000 rupees. He said, last 3 years, he did improve his skill by attending courses, attended interviews????. Many rejected, cracked few and joined in best offer from Kochi. Now in less than 3 years, he got married????‍♀️, shifted to town and able to save from 2000 to 50,000 rupees per month.

The best investment is always is on our career, then save more and spend less⬇️. Always recheck, am I able to get a hike of certain percentage year or year. Otherwise, we have to improve our skill and look for better result.

There are a lot of search for multiple source????‍♂️ of income and side business. But it is safe to focus on primary job first. Once you are making decent income from that, we can look for alternate income.

Yes, we may have excuses, Keep aside. Please believe this way for your own good ???? !

Money Talks Weekly

Money Talks – Automate your savings for tomorrow

Hi All,????

I am planning to write a weekly blog with my learnings around savings and investments. Hope this might interest you, we will email to our subscribers on weekly, Wednesdays.

Thank you for the support on Social media????, it is nice interacting with you. I run a stock brokerage firm in Kochi, Pentad Securities. Personally get a lot of opportunity to speak with many people on their money matters????. I am planning to share these learnings via this blog going forward. Please share your feedbacks.

In Kerala, we generally are good people????. Hard working, save money from their job mostly from outside Kerala and bring in Kerala. We have good productive population outside Kerala. Always, wonder and wish to see good paying jobs to be available in Kerala itself. It is going to happen soon.

Today, I want to speak about the power of automating your savings. Most of the people in middle age, worked in any job would have taken any loan and paid EMI????. EMI is an amazing tool for bankers to collect their loan in automating and smart way. All the banks????, income is generated out of this EMI. Same time, it is the reason most of us compete our loans on time. Most of us, won’t even look at how much interest charged or any other charges levied in the EMI.

This technique is really working well for banks make their money. Same tool????, we should be using for our savings. Don’t expect ourselves to write a cheque and save regularly for future. Whenever we see extra money in bank, we like to spend or environment around us force us spend. End of the month, no balance, no savings.

Solution???? for this – Automate you Savings ✊via SIP???? ( Systematic Investment Plan ) to Mutual Fund or Auto debit for your salary account to separate account. SIP won’t be new for you, It is a simple automating system from your bank account to investments in specific investment tool (it could be Mutual Fund or Equity or Gold ????or list goes on ), you can specify the date????, money ???? to deposited. Also you have the flexibility to stop any time, withdraw any time ( depends on the scheme)

When you do this automation, Keep a goal???? for this investment. Let’s say, I want create 1,00,000 as an Emergency Fund by 31-Mar-2024. If you can do a SIP of 10,000 per month. You can achieve this goal, also you gain the confidence of having an Emergency fund and you have not spend 10,000 INR each month. This hack can be done for all your goals, save more and Spend less.

You may already doing this, it’s good????. You can look for another goal. But if you have not following this, Please start Today !